Saturday, March 20, 2010

Still Sore

I haven't run since that great 5.5 miler on Wednesday and my calves are still killing me! Right after the run, I thought it would be the raw soles of my feet slowing me down, but that got better in about a day and a half. I'm still left with calves so sore I can barely walk normally.

Stepping up to such a long distance and picking up the speed at the same time might have been a little too drastic for my muscles to handle right away.

Right now, I'm wondering about how to modify my workout plan to include barefoot running, but make it easier to continue to run at least four times a week. In an earlier post, I mentioned making running sandals called huaraches that just protect the bottoms of your feet from friction and sharp objects. That will be a big improvement, but I'm also wondering if maybe I should do a few days of barefoot and a few days in shoes each week.

Maybe I can keep the barefoot running form while wearing a pair of shoes... It sounds doable, but it's hard without being able to feel the ground and let my feet react naturally. I even have a pair of Nike Free running shoes, but the cushioning is still thick enough to make it hard to have good form.

I'm going to try it out, at least. Hopefully, as my feet get stronger and I build the muscle memory of what good form feels like, I can improve my running form regardless of how I dress my feet.

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