Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 4: Better Each Time

Today I went for my fourth completely barefoot run. It was great, as usual. I got my first kill, too! As I was getting off my typical running path I passed a shoed runner. I even pulled off to get my shoes from behind a tree and passed him a second time.

I averaged about 9-minute miles this time. I don't know how my time was so slow because it felt great. Maybe it was the stop lights. I also picked up a bike tire at my bike shop that I had to carry home.

Now I'm ready to start working on my times. I'm confident that my feet can handle it, so I'm going to focus on turning this into real training now.

Injury notes:
I had my first "injury." I got a small blister on my left foot at the edge of the ball of my foot. I didn't really feel it until I got home.

My calves are really sore again, but that's just a sign they're getting stronger!

My stomach has felt amazing during these runs. Often, I end up with a bad stomachache after a hard run, but the softer impacts of bare feet mean less impact on joints and on my stomach.

My arches and knees feel like I didn't even run.

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